Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sniper Armor

This is a summary and review of the Sniper Armor.

This is one of the best armors in the game due to its powerful stats. The Sniper armor has spontaneous pieces of armor, hinting at the fact that a Sniper should be unpredictable and difficult to trace. NGMOCO describes this armor as a stealthy rig equipped with improved target sensors and cloaking projectors.

It requires level 8, and 330 Credits to obtain. Prototypes of this armor are available constantly till rank 50, and go up till level 10.

The base stats are ++CLO, ++TS, +SPD, +SWM, -PWR, -JMP, -DEF.


A way of using this armor is standing or hanging in an awesome safe spot "if possible" and not in a corner to be trapped by the Rocket Launcher or Antimatter Jet. If you have the Gravity Hook, use it, for more options of places to hide, or at least make it harder for an opponent to target you. The best three weapons to use along with the Gravity Hook are the Auto-Rifle, Ripper, Vaporizer or the Rocket Launcher. "shown in best to least" the Auto rifle and the Vaporizer is arguable because the Vaporizer can one hit someone, but it has few rounds and can be traced if you miss, but the Auto Rifle and Ripper have the disadvantage of having to hit the person perfectly in the head to critically hit them and must hit them multiple times. The hardest to use is the Rocket Launcher because of the delay from shooting the gun to hitting the target. Timing is of the essence to kill the target you want. Aim for groups of people that are already shooting at each other and have a infinite chance of killing one because they're too busy dodging each other to notice you. Move often, Preferably after every magazine even a little bit is enough to avoid the splash of a rocket and make it harder to guess where you are. This Technique works in all maps.

The Ripper is the weapon which is used by most snipers. With accuracy unparalleled by any other bullet weapon and almost impossible to trace, plus high damage, you can kill people much faster than a Mag-Rail, and just a tiny bit faster than the Vaporizer. However, the lack of bullet spread or blast radius can make it hard to use in a close firefight. If you have ripper and sneak up behind an armor with low defense, aim carefully for the head then FIRE! if its damage is upgraded enough 2-4 bullets then instant death! The ripper, if used in the right way, is arguably the best weapon in the game.


Defense: 5/10
Jump: 4/10
Speed: 9/10
Aquatics: 8/10
Targeting: 10/10
Cloaking: 10/10
Overall: 9.5/10

This is arguably the best armor in the game, simply because it has such outstanding abilities. The low jump stat is cancelled out by its high swim stat and the low defense stat is cancelled out by the amazing cloaking stat, which can make the armor completely invisible. This is because there is no need for defense when you can't be seen in the first place.

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